
No Thanks, I’m Just Looking



No Thanks, I’m Just Looking gives anyone the inside scoopon how to skyrocket their selling career with a system ofeasy-to-learn practical money-making steps. By saving countlesshours of trial-and-error experience, readers will be able to focuson the things that really work. Considered to be retail guru HarryJ. Friedman’s personal collection of proven selling techniques,No Thanks, I’m Just Looking includes all the tips andhumorous anecdotes that have made him retail’s most sought-afterconsultant.

No Thanks, I’m Just Looking delivers the tricks of thetrade from an international retail authority.

  • Author is the most heavily attended speaker on retail sellingand operational management in the world
  • These groundbreaking high-performance training systems havebeen used by more than 500,000 retailers, from small independentsto the likes of Neiman Marcus, Cartier, Billabong, La-Z-Boy andGodiva, to routinely deliver more sales
  • Friedman created the number one retail sales and managementsystem used by more retailers than any other system of its kind inthe world

Get proven techniques that will increase sales and elevate yourstaff to a high-performance sales team.

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